Tenant Representation, Lease Renewal, Lease Expansion, Relocation, Subleasing, Landlord Representation, Space Evaluation, Survey & Analysis, Lease & Purchase Negotiations, Buy vs. Lease Analysis
Austin Miller is a commercial real estate broker specializing in office tenant and landlord representation. The advisory services Mr. Miller brings to a leasing assignment include but are not limited to expert negotiating skills, survey and analysis of competitive properties, and creative marketing solutions.
Before joining RG Real Estate, Mr. Miller provided extensive research and supported commercial real estate brokers in their commercial real estate transactions at Richard Bowers & Co. Mr. Miller is a graduate of Louisiana State University and an Atlanta native.
RG Real Estate is a full service commercial real estate firm providing services to owners, tenants and investors including Tenant/Buyer Representation, Landlord/Seller Representation, Property Management, Investment Sales, and Acquisitions.